Thursday 17 April 2014

Final Major Project [Post 11] ~ Working Locks and Melting Brains

I finally found a way to get my library door/key to work correctly, it took a lot of researching and random testing but it finally has the desired effect! Now the player can approach the library door, it wont open but will display [Door Locked] on screen, until the player gets the key. The key is in one of the drawers in the dining room that open when you get near. I had a problem here with the key in the drawer, if the player didn’t pick up the key once the drawer had been open and then closed again, the key would stay floating and clipping through the front of the drawer. I tried a few ways of fixing this but the more I did to it, the worse it got (key was now reappearing and floating in place when player had collected key, secondary key would not go away.) So I took a small break, watched a brain-melting episode of Jeremy Kyle and then came back to the problem, for some reason I managed to fix it straight away, its like all of a sudden it made sense to me.

It is very important to take breaks, I have always prided myself on my ability to not get overly stressed or weighed down with work and to take regular breaks, but recently I haven’t been doing this and my sanity is suffering because of it! Atleast I have realised now, so I can fix this problem with myself and have regular breaks!
In a way I am glad that I have come across UDK and Kismet problems at this stage in the project as once I fix them, I feel a sense of achievement and I still have a few weeks left so I’m not rushing or trying to find an easy fix, I’m taking my time and learning a great amount at the same time. I will admit that I am getting a bit stressed with my project but I think that’s only because I have done all of my building which is the main thing that I enjoy, so I’m feeling a bit fed up with this project now as I have to do more of the things I don’t enjoy so much. I feel like it’s too much time to be spending on one project, I would rather do smaller projects with less time and I even have a few ideas for other things I want to do, but I feel if I start other projects I will be cheating this one and this one is ultimately more important. So yes, I am getting fed up but at the same time I feel pressured to create an absolutely fantastic level as literally my whole degree rests on this project and that is very scary!

On another note, I keep getting a weird warning that shows every time I build the lighting on my level, two of my assets apparently have no triangles and I am incredibly confused as they show up completely fine in the level. This is another thing that I will have to fix.

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